When the Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics research group was newly formed at the University of Vienna in autumn 2020, Ilya became its very first doctoral student. Now, he was also the first PhD candidate in the group to complete his thesis und and defend it successfully.
In his public defense on October 12, Ilya comprehensively presented the central findings of his thesis on "Quantum information in many-body systems: analytical and numerical bounds on spatio-temporal correlations, parameter estimation, and the set of quantum marginals".
Together with his supervisors Norbert Schuch and Caslav Brukner as well as his reviewers Richard Küng and Jordi Tura i Brugués, his fellow group members congratulate him on this success. The team is very happy that Ilya will continue to be part of the group as a postdoc and wish him all the best for his future.
For details on Ilya's published work and preprints visit his pages on ORCID and arXiv.