Find out more about the latest activities, publications, job openings and other news of our Quantum Information & Quantum Many-Body Physics group.


Congratulations to our group member Anna: She was officially honored for receiving an ESPRIT carreer funding grant from the Austrian Science Fund...


We are very pleased to welcome Kevin Tam to the Quantum Information & Quantum Many-Body Physics group.


Regular global symmetries in many-body systems act identically and independently in every part of the system. What happens if the global symmetry acts...


Our group members José Garre Rubio and Ilya Kull have developed a formalism to transform exotic global symmetries into local ones.


You are fascinated by Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics? You love theoretical, mathematical, or numerical research? Then our group...


How can we comprehensively characterize the most general behavior of topological excitations at transitions between topologically ordered phases?