Find out more about the latest activities, publications, job openings and other news of our Quantum Information & Quantum Many-Body Physics group.


We are very happy to welcome Dr. Anna Francuz to the Quantum Information & Quantum Many-Body Physics group.


Phases of matter are fundamental in daily life as well as in physics, such as when distinguishing between water and ice. A crucial role is played by...


How can we realize exotic quantum systems with unconventional behavior in the simplest possible way?


How can we efficiently prepare complex many-body states on near-term quantum devices, and how can we verify the success of such a preparation?


If you are a PhD student interested in learning all about Tensor Networks & meeting fellow students, apply before June 3, 2022!


Join us on Wednesday, April 6, at 16:15 CEST, for Norbert Schuch's inaugural lecture at the University of Vienna.