[SEQUAM] Project news


These questions are addressed in a paper by members of our group that has now been published in Physical Review Research.


A new study of gauge-invariant PEPS characterizes the action of the gauge symmetry on the generating tensors, paving the way for more efficient...


A study of the exchange statistics of domain wall excitations in gapped spin chains with anomalous symmetry breaking found that the anomaly of the...


Interference, which gives rise to the sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo, also leads to a significant increase in computational hardness in tensor...

28.01.2025 14:30

"Hamiltonian learning via energy-entropy inequalities"

Tuesday, 28 January 2025, at 14:30


This question is addressed in a new Physical Review B paper by our group leader Norbert Schuch, jointly with Mark Arildsen, Ji-Yao Chen, and Andreas...