[SEQUAM] Project news


"Entanglement spectra of nonchiral topological (2+1)-dimensional phases with strong time-reversal symmetry breaking, Li-Haldane state counting, and...


The TOPO23 Winter Workshop on Topological Order takes place at the University of Tübingen from November 27 to December 8.


Congratulations to Mingru Yang on her 2nd publication in Physical Review Letters within three months!

16.10.2023 11:30

"Higher structures in matrix product states"

Mon, 16 October 2023, 11:30,
at the Faculty of Physics (Kurt Gödel lecture room)


On October 12, 2023, our group member Ilya successfully defended his dissertation to earn his doctoral degree. The whole team congratulates him on...

12.10.2023 14:30

"Quantum eigenstate broadcasting assisted by a coherent link"

Thur, 12 October 2023, 14:30,
at Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI), Boltzmanngasse 9