[SEQUAM] Project news


How can we describe systems with exotic topological order using a local description, and what is the connection between their global properties and...


In their new paper "Entanglement order parameters and critical behavior for topological phase transitions and beyond", published in Physical Review X,...


How can we quantitatively characterize the condensation and confinement of non-Abelian anyons in topological phase transitions, possibly even for...


We are happy to welcome two new PhD students at the Quantum Information & Quantum Many-Body Physics group: Ofek Bengyat and David Blanik.


Can the combination of novel higher-order topological insulators with strong interactions lead to a 3D generalization of the fractional quantum Hall...


Our "Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics" research group, led by Norbert Schuch, is currently looking for new talented PhD students.