Lecture "Quantum Information, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Algorithms" (winter term 2024/25)

Lecturers: Norbert Schuch, András Molnár
Tutorials: András Molnár, Andreas Klingler


Quantum Information Theory is concerned with how we can process information and perform computations in a world which is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, like the world we live in.  The lecture will provide an in-depth introduction to the field of Quantum Information Theory, with a special focus on Quantum Computing and Quantum Algorithms, taught from a mathematical perspective. In particular, no prior knowledge of quantum mechanics or any other physics will be required; solid foundations in linear algebra will be both necessary and sufficient to attend the lecture. The focus of the lecture will be on the underlying concepts and the key mathematical questions of Quantum Information and Computation, but depending on interest, a birds-eye view on the main challenges and approaches towards building a real quantum computer can be included.

Planned topics include:

  • The basic formalism: States, evolution, and measurement
  • Mixed states, completely positive maps, and POVM measurements
  • Entanglement theory
  • Quantum cryptography
  • Quantum computation
  • Quantum algorithms
  • Quantum error correction
  • Quantum complexity theory
  • Topological quantum computing

The lecture course consists of a four-hour lecture (250078 VO), and an associated two-hour tutorial/exercise session (250042 PS).


No prior knowledge of quantum mechanics or any other physics will be required. Solid foundations in linear algebra will be both necessary and sufficient to attend the lecture.

Course material

Lecture notes

  1. Introduction and Linear Algebra: Introduction, Linear Algebra.
  2. The formalism of Quantum Theory: The Quantum Framework, Mixed States, Completely Positive Maps.
  3. Entanglement: Entanglement, Teleportation & Dense Coding, Bell inequalitites, Entanglement Conversion & Classification.
  4. Quantum Computing and Quantum Algorithms
  5. Quantum Error Correction

Exercise sheets

  • Sheet 1 (posted 11.10., discussed 15./16.10.)
  • Sheet 2 (posted 18.10., discussed 22./23.10.)
  • Sheet 3 (posted 25.10., discussed 29./30.11.)
  • Sheet 4 (posted 1.11., discussed 5./6.11.)
  • Sheet 5 (posted 8.11., discussed 12./13.11.)
  • Sheet 6 (posted 15.11., discussed 19./20.11. and 26./27.11.)
  • Sheet 7 (posted 29.11., discussed 3./4.12.)
  • Sheet 8 (posted 6.12., discussed 10./11.12.)
  • Sheet 9 (posted 23.12., discussed 7./8.1.)
  • Sheet 10 (posted 9.1., discussed 14./15.1.)
  • Sheet 11 (posted 16.1., discussed 21./22.1.)


Main texts

Additional texts and lecture notes

Further reading


Organisatorial issues

The lecture takes place Monday and Thursday 16:45–18:15 in Hörsaal 11 (Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 2nd floor). The first lecture is on 7.10.. For the tutorial/proseminar, there will be two groups; please see ufind for further information, including time and location.  If you are interested in participating in the lecture/tutorial but cannot register formally, please get in touch with the corresponding lecturer.

The examination/grading modalities for both the lecture and the tutorial will be communicated on moodle.